Stefano.Minella: Plains and Hills
Stefano.Minella: Tree in the Desert
Stefano.Minella: The Water Hole
Stefano.Minella: Camels Ride
Stefano.Minella: The Camels and the Tree
Stefano.Minella: Turtle Eating in the Sand
Stefano.Minella: The Eel and the Dentist
Stefano.Minella: Curious Little Fish
Stefano.Minella: The Cameleer
Stefano.Minella: Baker Old Lady
Stefano.Minella: Young Purple Lady
Stefano.Minella: Old Pigeon House
Stefano.Minella: Gabon Viper
Stefano.Minella: Path on the Desert Hills
Stefano.Minella: Sunset Over the Desert Mountains
Stefano.Minella: Last Ray of Sun Silhouette
Stefano.Minella: Egyptian Dancer Light Games
Stefano.Minella: Egyptian Dancer Light Games 2
Stefano.Minella: Chain Underwater
Stefano.Minella: Cratena Peregrina
Stefano.Minella: Oooooh - Cratena Peregrina
Stefano.Minella: Female Sea Urchin "Texture" - Paracentrotus Lividus
Stefano.Minella: Tripterygion Delaisi - Peperoncino Giallo
Stefano.Minella: Hippocampus Ramulosus
Stefano.Minella: Hidden Eyes - Trachinus Radiatus
Stefano.Minella: Octopus Vulgaris Eye
Stefano.Minella: Squid Eye - Loligo Vulgaris
Stefano.Minella: Parablennius Ocellaris Sleeping
Stefano.Minella: Pagurus Anachoretus on a Tree
Stefano.Minella: Pagurus Anachoretus CloseUp