stefanie says: chrysler
stefanie says: DCP_3021.JPG
stefanie says: chuck close
stefanie says: IMG_0274.JPG
stefanie says: IMG_0280.JPG
stefanie says: IMG_0282.JPG
stefanie says: chinese bakery
stefanie says: little italy is really quite little
stefanie says: inspired hydrants
stefanie says: creepy dolls
stefanie says: DCP_3198.JPG
stefanie says: DCP_3202.JPG
stefanie says: DCP_3204.JPG
stefanie says: IMGP0010.JPG
stefanie says: west on 84th
stefanie says: water
stefanie says: north on fifth
stefanie says: south on fifth ave
stefanie says: the angel tree
stefanie says: nativity from the left
stefanie says: nativity from the right
stefanie says: more blurry angels
stefanie says: angels
stefanie says: great hall &staircase
stefanie says: check out the castle
stefanie says: midtown skyline
stefanie says: from summit rock