TheSteffers: Have a great Thanksgiving flickr pals.
TheSteffers: "So you've given up looking for a white knight?"
TheSteffers: Things to do today.
TheSteffers: Worst president ever
TheSteffers: How to explain the credit crisis
TheSteffers: How we communicate
TheSteffers: The Brooklyn bound train.
TheSteffers: don't want no more of this crying game
TheSteffers: W24th Street
TheSteffers: don't want no more of the crying game
TheSteffers: That Sir John. He's a Bright boy.
TheSteffers: Jesus take the wheel
TheSteffers: It made Joan feel better to write the word "pray" wherever she could...even better if there was a "please" in front of it.
TheSteffers: cake or death
TheSteffers: Love Starts This Week
TheSteffers: Superhero entrance
TheSteffers: Practiced some night shooting last night.
TheSteffers: For By Grace Are Ye Saved
TheSteffers: My submission for
TheSteffers: Just love these sayings...
TheSteffers: Such a great week for me. I think I am moving out of my own little jail in many ways.
TheSteffers: Apt 2C
TheSteffers: This is really what it's all about.
TheSteffers: Game on!
TheSteffers: You get what you need.
TheSteffers: Sending love and thoughts to Brittney and Tamelyn for their loss.
TheSteffers: My pockets of attempted PEACE