Stefanie_xu: Easy making cherry tomato salad, recipes from Jamie.
Stefanie_xu: { Love breakfast } Fried egg - Salad - Coffee
Stefanie_xu: Spring salad with homemade herb oil.
Stefanie_xu: First try of spinach quiche :)
Stefanie_xu: X'mas cookie package '07
Stefanie_xu: 花かつお Toufu. | 木鱼花豆腐。
Stefanie_xu: Seafood jiaozi (Dumplings)
Stefanie_xu: 和風牛蒡絲 (Japan Burdock)
Stefanie_xu: Cheese Fondue at Home - Melting Pot and Bread
Stefanie_xu: Cheese Fondue at Home - Fondue-d Bread
Stefanie_xu: brunch.