Stefan-Mueller-climate: Old man with XR button
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Relax and prepare for the song
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Extinction Rebellion in London, 07.10.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Extinction Rebellion blocking Trafalgar Square, London, 07.10.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Old woman being arrested on Trafalger Square, people applauding
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Old woman being arrested on Trafalger Square, people applauding
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Extinction Rebellion blocking Trafalgar Square, London, 07.10.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Omas gegen Rechts bei Alle für's Klima
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Omas gegen Rechts bei Alle für's Klima
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Oma gegen Rechts bei Alle für's Klima
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Blocking of Lambeth Bridge by Extinction Rebellion, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Blocking of Lambeth Bridge by Extinction Rebellion, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Blocking of Lambeth Bridge by Extinction Rebellion, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Blocking of Lambeth Bridge by Extinction Rebellion, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Blocking of Lambeth Bridge by Extinction Rebellion, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Man next to the car blocking Trafalgar Square during Extinction Rebellion wave in London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: FridaysForFuture Demonstration in Berlin, 24.05.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: FridaysForFuture Demonstration in Berlin, 20.09.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: FridaysForFuture Demonstration in Berlin, Berlin, 29.11.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: FridaysForFuture Demonstration in Berlin, Berlin, 29.11.2019
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Omas gegen Rechts | Grannies against alt-right
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Video statement while being arrested on Trafalger Square, London
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Schwerter zu Pflugscharen und Keksdosen zu Trommeln | Wir haben es satt
Stefan-Mueller-climate: It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism
Stefan-Mueller-climate: "WIR HABEN ES SATT", Demonstration für eine Agrarwende, Berlin, 18.01.2020
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Irmela Mensah-Schramm
Stefan-Mueller-climate: KohleEinStiegsgesetz, Fahrraddemo gegen Kohleausstiegsgesetz, Berlin, 02.07.2020
Stefan-Mueller-climate: KohleEinStiegsgesetz, Fahrraddemo gegen Kohleausstiegsgesetz, Berlin, 02.07.2020
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Nobody is too old or to young to join the rebellion
Stefan-Mueller-climate: Omas gegen Rechts join the fight for 1,5°