Marcus Sharpe:
Swainson's Thrush
Marcus Sharpe:
Marcus Sharpe:
Marcus Sharpe:
Magnolia Warbler - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Painted Buntings - Female
Marcus Sharpe:
Red-eyed Vireo
Marcus Sharpe:
American Redstart - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Tennessee Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Red-eyed Vireo
Marcus Sharpe:
American Redstart - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Northern Waterthrush
Marcus Sharpe:
Yellow-throated Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Prairie Warbler - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Black and White Warbler - Female
Marcus Sharpe:
Prairie Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Black and White Warbler - Female
Marcus Sharpe:
Northern Parula
Marcus Sharpe:
Black and White Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Black and White Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Great Crested Flycatcher
Marcus Sharpe:
American Redstart - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
American Redstart - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Blackpoll Warbler - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Indigo Bunting - Female
Marcus Sharpe:
Male and Female Indigo Buntings
Marcus Sharpe:
Prairie Warbler
Marcus Sharpe:
Cape May Warbler - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Northern Parula
Marcus Sharpe:
Black-throated Blue Warbler - Male
Marcus Sharpe:
Black-throated Blue Warbler - Male