The steelyglint: cloud surfing
The steelyglint: clouds and shadows
The steelyglint: whispy clouds
The steelyglint: weird clouds close up
The steelyglint: clouds over sun
The steelyglint: sun+cloud+contrail
The steelyglint: sun+clouds
The steelyglint: bubbling clouds
The steelyglint: makeing a dash for it
The steelyglint: growing anvil
The steelyglint: crepuscular rays
The steelyglint: contrails and sun
The steelyglint: contrails
The steelyglint: sun+clouds
The steelyglint: the view to windor castle
The steelyglint: incoming
The steelyglint: sun+clouds
The steelyglint: huge thunderstorm
The steelyglint: narky sky
The steelyglint: dotty skys
The steelyglint: clouds and sun
The steelyglint: clouds and sun
The steelyglint: misty sky
The steelyglint: sundog clouds n shadows
The steelyglint: plane+sol
The steelyglint: sundogs I