Just Taken Pics: She needs to SLEEP!
Just Taken Pics: So enthused!
Just Taken Pics: Dancing?!
Just Taken Pics: Destini
Just Taken Pics: No, please
Just Taken Pics: Let's get this swing on the road!
Just Taken Pics: Hmmm, will it ever go?
Just Taken Pics: Waiting, waiting
Just Taken Pics: Chocolate face!
Just Taken Pics: Look ma, over there!!
Just Taken Pics: The fearless four, plus some stranger!
Just Taken Pics: What, no cahs accepted, are you nuts!!
Just Taken Pics: Let me outta here, I tell ya!
Just Taken Pics: Show choir at the fair
Just Taken Pics: Fake em out
Just Taken Pics: What are these things
Just Taken Pics: Yes, that's me on the spinny balloon things!
Just Taken Pics: More spinny things
Just Taken Pics: Oh, I can't wait!
Just Taken Pics: Taniyah enjoyed the ride!
Just Taken Pics: Ahma was ok until it started moving, and spinning!
Just Taken Pics: Here we go!
Just Taken Pics: We made it!
Just Taken Pics: Be patient Tete!
Just Taken Pics: Not so sure about this moving bridge!
Just Taken Pics: Here we go!
Just Taken Pics: How'd they get all the way up there?
Just Taken Pics: Trying to climb the roped with Tete!