Just Taken Pics: Not impressed!
Just Taken Pics: Trying to get her fit.
Just Taken Pics: Trying to get her fit still
Just Taken Pics: Smile!
Just Taken Pics: Open your eyes
Just Taken Pics: Stop with the pictures already!
Just Taken Pics: She just didn't want to open those eyes
Just Taken Pics: Cheese with no eyes
Just Taken Pics: The other kids were so easy
Just Taken Pics: Tete at the zoo
Just Taken Pics: Tete on the hippo
Just Taken Pics: Angie on the lion
Just Taken Pics: Let me in
Just Taken Pics: I will get this open
Just Taken Pics: Look ma, birds in the house
Just Taken Pics: Mak on the lion
Just Taken Pics: Mak trying to get tete to be a spider
Just Taken Pics: Makkiah and Angie
Just Taken Pics: Wombat
Just Taken Pics: Angie and Mak on the lizard