steb1: Calopteryx splendens
steb1: Calopteryx splendens
steb1: broad bodied chaser
steb1: P9151594
steb1: P9151593
steb1: P9151592
steb1: P9151591
steb1: P9151587
steb1: My hairy knee and a Brown Hawker munching its prey
steb1: P9161991
steb1: An odd happening
steb1: Female Blue-tailed Damselfly
steb1: Blue-tailed damselfly
steb1: In my hand
steb1: commondarter3
steb1: Common Darter
steb1: Common Darter 3
steb1: cdart4
steb1: whatsthat
steb1: ischnura 1jzhdr
steb1: Take 2
steb1: Damselfly portrait - Inspired by others
steb1: Azure Damselfly
steb1: Teneral Broad-bodied Chaser
steb1: One less Mossie
steb1: First White-faced Darter of the Year
steb1: Azure Damselfly
steb1: Azure Damselfly Portrait
steb1: Not so cute now
steb1: Dragonfly Tickling