ste7ee: IMG_20200914_032409_DSC_0135
ste7ee: 2020-05-20_M63_LRGB
ste7ee: 20190825_M57_LRGB
ste7ee: 20170603_Moon
ste7ee: 22_08_10_R_pipp_lapl6_ap4_Drizzle30_ps
ste7ee: Jupiter 2019-07-13-2332_3-00_31_33_RGB-DeRot_lapl4_ap3_Drizzle30
ste7ee: Saturn 01_12_45_20190715_Saturn_wavelets
ste7ee: 20190228 IC443
ste7ee: 20190411 M66
ste7ee: 20190325 NGC2903
ste7ee: 20181010 NGC7331 LRGB
ste7ee: 20181003 M31 Andromeda Galaxy
ste7ee: 20180913 NGC7635 Bubble Nebula
ste7ee: 20180822 NGC6888 Narrowband
ste7ee: 20180725 M57 Ring Nebula
ste7ee: 20180801 Moon
ste7ee: 20180627_Jupiter_RGB
ste7ee: _20180414_M51_drz_8sec_LRGB
ste7ee: M101, The Pinwheel Galaxy
ste7ee: Hickson Compact Group 44 (20180508_HCG44)
ste7ee: Needle Galaxy (20180419_NGC4565)
ste7ee: _20180414_M51_LRGB sm
ste7ee: 20180420_NGC3187_cr
ste7ee: IC434 Horsehead Nebula and Flame nebula
ste7ee: Messier 33
ste7ee: Narrowband image of the Orion Nebula
ste7ee: 20171105_ic5070_HaGB
ste7ee: _20170604_M81_LRGB
ste7ee: 20171116_M27_HaGSII_4
ste7ee: 20170913_NGC6960_Ha_HaOIIIOIII_DBEv3