-Curly-: This shit is real
-Curly-: Bombast
-Curly-: 9/11 Stories
-Curly-: Immortal
-Curly-: We need it
-Curly-: The Octagon
-Curly-: I'm sorry
-Curly-: People who burn flags
-Curly-: Magnets
-Curly-: We share everything
-Curly-: Obey is Ads
-Curly-: Oblivion
-Curly-: The game I'm playing
-Curly-: Channel Zero
-Curly-: Nothing essential changes
-Curly-: Dodging our way through the world
-Curly-: A Price
-Curly-: Don't Touch
-Curly-: Lock Us Up
-Curly-: G-U-N spells pride
-Curly-: The Game
-Curly-: Self Trained Artist
-Curly-: Feel Vital
-Curly-: Corn Fed Beef
-Curly-: Don't Relax
-Curly-: Here We Come
-Curly-: Broken Windows
-Curly-: Play Insecurities
-Curly-: Obama is a Christian
-Curly-: Obama is a Muslim