David_Bewick: Fortescue Valley Sunrise
David_Bewick: Metal skies
David_Bewick: 1502 045
David_Bewick: 1502 078
David_Bewick: 1502 081
David_Bewick: Mapping day 2 003
David_Bewick: Mapping day 2 004
David_Bewick: Golden corn... textured like sun...
David_Bewick: Tall corn syndrome....
David_Bewick: white cow of the family
David_Bewick: Cow on the run
David_Bewick: Blue Bark
David_Bewick: Boring
David_Bewick: THE perk of the job.
David_Bewick: 002/365 Pride.. what seperates us from the animals...?
David_Bewick: Thunderslap
David_Bewick: 42/365... just leave me alone...
David_Bewick: The old country
David_Bewick: Couldn't hurt a fly?
David_Bewick: 43/365 Where the wind bends
David_Bewick: Where my mind is at is where my soul is at
David_Bewick: 46/365 some of what i do..
David_Bewick: 100/365 locked out
David_Bewick: 101/365 stairway to heaven...
David_Bewick: tonka tonka tonka