Static Kitten: View from Capitol Hill
Static Kitten: Night view of the Mall
Static Kitten: Iwo Jima Memorial
Static Kitten: Majestic view of the Mall
Static Kitten: Shame the cemetery was closed...
Static Kitten: Feeding the pigeons from his Mercedes...
Static Kitten: View on Lincoln Memorial from Arlington Cemetery
Static Kitten: Baseball on the Mall
Static Kitten: All the ducks are swimming in the water...
Static Kitten: Marines
Static Kitten: Lincoln Memorial
Static Kitten: Hugo told me Penn Camera was THE place for cameras...
Static Kitten: Eh... can't remember which governmental building
Static Kitten: I had to see the home of the monkey
Static Kitten: From Boston to Miami...
Static Kitten: Sophie's world (and my temporary home)