static-photo: CIMG1081
static-photo: i hope i remember how to get off the chairlift
static-photo: yep, we're in wyoming alright
static-photo: see any cowboys around?
static-photo: won't you ever stop taking pictures?
static-photo: you're not making me ski another double blue
static-photo: why yes, i did have a good day
static-photo: mmm, beer...
static-photo: inside the mangy moose
static-photo: disco skier
static-photo: this snow makes skiing so much easier...
static-photo: skis
static-photo: please, just one more run
static-photo: skis, again
static-photo: skis, detail
static-photo: ha ha, i'll be in the hot tub before you
static-photo: the clocktower and tram base
static-photo: with an ex-buffalo at the gun barrel
static-photo: bluebird... shame we're about to leave
static-photo: just one more day, please...
static-photo: seriously, it's too nice to leave
static-photo: gondola base cropped
static-photo: the valley - wide