U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson at the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson at the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Secretary Pompeo welcomes Pastor Brunson to the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson Speaks to Department of State Officials
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunsons Wife Speaks to State Department officials
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Secretary Pompeo with Pastor Brunson
U.S. Department of State: Secretary Pompeo meets with Pastor Brunson
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department
U.S. Department of State: Pastor Brunson visits the State Department