State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Young woman and horse at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Young sideshow dancers at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Young girl with pet white mice at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Woodchopper in action at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Women in horse trotting race at the Royal National Show Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Woman with ceramic ornaments at the the Royal National Show Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Two of the Great South China Acrobatic Team at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1949
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Two of the Great South China Acrobatic Team at the Brisbane Exhibition
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Two men examining the mouth of a cow at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Two boys eating fairy floss at the Royal National Show Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Three girls on horseback at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
The Caverns Ice Scaters at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1949
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small girls eat fairy floss and carry sample bags and dolls on canes at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small girl on a caraousel at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small boy with sample bag and whirligig at the the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small boy wearing a cap at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small boy inspecting his sample bag at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Small boy and girl with their sample-bags at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Sideshow at the Royal National Show Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Show jumping at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Roger Able at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1949
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Rodeo rider on a bucking horse at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Rodeo bull riding at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Rodeo buckjumping horse and rider at the Royal National Show, Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Rider on bucking horse, watched by a crowd at the Rodeo at Exhibition Grounds, Brisbane, 1945
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Relaxing at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Owners with their dogs at the Exhibition grounds, Brisbane, 1943
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Owner with his cow at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1947
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Night horse trotting race in the main arena of the Royal National Show Brisbane, 1948
State Library of Queensland, Australia:
Mrs. Jean Tolcroft eating ice cream at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1949