State Library of Queensland, Australia: Servicemens' wedding at St Lukes Church, Charlotte Street Brisbane 13 December 1917
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Rockhampton wedding party and group photo ca 1906
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Robert Sommerfeld and Isabella Dodd in their wedding attire 1872
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Portrait of a wedding party at Warra, Queensland, 1913
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Mr and Mrs John Brown and their wedding party Brisbane 1950
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Military wedding, Brisbane, 1942
State Library of Queensland, Australia: James Wieneke as best man at a friend's wedding ca1936
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Henry Moreton Stevens and Jessie Mabel Webster's wedding 1911
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Fashionable wedding group ca 1911
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Double wedding in East Brisbane, 1949
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Double wedding at Barambah Aboriginal Settlement, 17 May 1912
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Crump and Hughes wedding
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Country wedding in Queensland ca 1920
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Christophers Marchant wedding in March 1940
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Brisbane wedding, ca. 1925
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Bride cutting an elaborate wedding cake as the bridegroom looks on
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Beryl Ross and Fred Milford on their wedding day December 26 1939