Diplomatic Security Service: A DSS special agent (right) opens a car door for a dignitary during the UN General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: DSS special agent (left) discusses security plans with a DSS Mobile Security Deployments team member (right), during the UN General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: A DSS Mobile Security Deployments team member (left) confers with other DSS special agents preparing to escort Secretary of State during the UN General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: With an American flag in the background, a DSS special agent waits to escort Secretary of State during the UN General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: A DSS special agent (center right) discuss security plans for the 2016 United Nations General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: DSS special agents confer while preparing to escort a foreign dignitary to a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State during the UN General Assembly.
Diplomatic Security Service: A DSS special agent with a Mobile Security Deployments team stands watch as a foreign dignitary prepares to depart for a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State.
Diplomatic Security Service: A DSS mobile video systems specialist (left) and two security engineering officers discuss temporary placement of a video surveillance camera near the United Nations headquarters in New York during the U.N. General Assembly.