sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 31 | My #word for #2016 is #listen
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 30 | #thankyoufor Thank you, earth, for another gorgeous day. So amazingly #grateful.
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 29 | #home #holiday #lights
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 28 | A secret wish for 2016... A (not so secret) wish for the coming year is a healthy, happy family.
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 27 | 2015 taught me... #patience
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 25 | Love is... #Christmas #oldcat #sleeping
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 24 | one year ago #tbt
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 23 | #delicious If you're #vegan or even #dairyfree you probably know what this is. And it's delicious.
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 22 | #solstice #sunset Stormy day today, so there was just a little sunset color in the eastern horizon, reflected on the clouds. Here in Santa Cruz, when you look out over the ocean you're generally facing southward, since we're
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 21 | #numbers
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 20 | #warmth
sgrace: #decemberreflections Day 19 | I said goodbye to... In 2015 I said #goodbye to summer vacation. For they past decade, as a public school teacher, I had summers off. In 2015 I worked all summer. But I don't miss it. When I was teaching, I felt like all of m
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day18 #circles Christmas tree #bokeh
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day15 My #soundtrack of 2015 was a #spotify generated playlist of from my "collection". This is the year I really explored streaming music, and fell in love with the endless access to new gems and old favorites.
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day13 #aisfor #anemone
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day17 #mysmile while taking #selfieswithcats
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day16 In 2015 I said hello to... Stability. Recovering from 2014, a year of significant change.
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day14 The space in between.
sgrace: #decemberreflections #day12 My #bestdecision of 2015 has been to choose to run on a regular basis. It's a habit that's easy to fall out of, yet so important to my mental and physical health. In 2015 I ran over 250 miles, more in a year than ever before. #
sgrace: Jason's wedding ring contains good nuggets from Big Sur, CA. #decemberreflections #day11 #gold
sgrace: #day10 #decemberreflections #shadows
sgrace: My #favephotoof2015 for #decemberreflections is any photo of the gorgeous view I get to enjoy every day. I snapped this one on my lunch break. I am constantly amazed that I get to live and work here. #oceanlove #pacific #california
sgrace: For #decemberreflections #day8 #5thingsaboutme 1) I live and work by the ocean. 2) I try to do yoga every day. 3) I don't eat meat. 4) I like to run. 5) I love my pets.
sgrace: As close as my yard gets to seasonal color #decemberreflections #day7 #branches @susannahconway
sgrace: I only read five books this year, but my favorite was the annotated autobiography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, "Pioneer Girl". I was fascinated by her narratives of life on the "frontier", and the incredible hardships of winter. #decemberreflections #bestbook
sgrace: This crab's shell is a sacred space; the ocean is a sacred space. #decemberreflections #sacredspace
sgrace: December Reflections 4: RED