stasianess: Backroads, WA
stasianess: Lewis River
stasianess: where the hooligans of Yacolt, WA go:)
stasianess: the first sign I might have been on the wrong track
stasianess: ... and if the first sign wasn't a good hint, maybe this should have been...
stasianess: ...and this should have been my third hint
stasianess: hey! promising start!
stasianess: but then
stasianess: and then
stasianess: all of which is to say
stasianess: which is also to say
stasianess: cost of business
stasianess: swaperoo
stasianess: Chocolate Falls
stasianess: Luetkea pectinata
stasianess: what the heck???
stasianess: Cistanthe umbellata (or Mt Hood Pussypaws, ha!)
stasianess: crumbly
stasianess: ropes course
stasianess: beargrass-stravaganza!
stasianess: trail on top of the world
stasianess: 1st backcountry night:)
stasianess: origins of the Toutle River
stasianess: cougar!!
stasianess: ground squirrel on top of the world
stasianess: yum!!
stasianess: elk-in' it up
stasianess: the Mt Margaret wilderness
stasianess: lupine and grasses and asters, oh my!