stasianess: The Tommy Thompson trail
stasianess: Tommy Thompson trail
stasianess: Anacortes
stasianess: James meets mayor, Anacortes
stasianess: coromorants and babies
stasianess: requisite cheesy ferry picture
stasianess: the other requisite ferry picture
stasianess: taking the road more traveled, I suppose:)
stasianess: hiker/biker, Spencer Spit State Park
stasianess: back when bunnies were still novel
stasianess: James' picture
stasianess: monster salal!!
stasianess: schmooping it up at Spencer Spit State Park
stasianess: driftwood cabin
stasianess: yknow..
stasianess: Spencer Spit
stasianess: Lopez Island day trip!
stasianess: bike turnout
stasianess: homage to small industry
stasianess: and then there was the end of public land
stasianess: Coleville Point
stasianess: extreme James close-up!!
stasianess: Coleville Point
stasianess: driftwood llama
stasianess: unicorn crossing!
stasianess: the classiest vault toilet in the west
stasianess: chillin'
stasianess: waterfront mailboxes
stasianess: Lopez bikies
stasianess: Spencer Spit nature center