stasianess: welcome!
stasianess: Willamette Valley sunrise
stasianess: wet road
stasianess: wind!
stasianess: PATRIOTIC wind!
stasianess: willamette valley scenic bikeway
stasianess: a very wet bike on a very wet Wheatland Ferry
stasianess: the Wheatland Ferry
stasianess: namesake trail
stasianess: welcome To Benton County...
stasianess: unpaved
stasianess: pyramid
stasianess: trek and a tree
stasianess: research forest
stasianess: randonneuring bike maintenance
stasianess: Monroe, OR (I think)
stasianess: Cottage Grove!
stasianess: Dylan's bike family
stasianess: reunited!
stasianess: Eugene
stasianess: lest ye be lost
stasianess: glowing dirt
stasianess: Gilkey bridge
stasianess: Silverton, OR
stasianess: Oregon City