sara_button: NOT REAL . haa
sara_button: jessica thought so too
sara_button: this elephant was just asking for it
sara_button: stocking
sara_button: Kinnect with Kids
sara_button: Alex is way better at phones than I am..
sara_button: Alex <3 Stevie Butts
sara_button: mocs & dogs
sara_button: Weirdo
sara_button: love stevie
sara_button: office selfie
sara_button: planking.
sara_button: Founddddjuuu
sara_button: She stole from Dillards and I got her arrested.
sara_button: birthday cupcakes <3
sara_button: Birthday cupcakes from my Men's Department
sara_button: Birthday cake from my management team!
sara_button: Happy Birthday to ME
sara_button: Stevie!
sara_button: weenie in motion
sara_button: Stevie on a ledge
sara_button: home is where you can put your feet up.