The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Fantasmas en la cocina.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: And the ships are left to rust.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Cariño, nos hundimos otra vez.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Ese frío que te hiela los huesos.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: I'm tired, so let me be broken.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Tú dudabas de la infinidad del universo
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Esperando el amanecer.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Smells like teen spirit
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Promete que no volverás a irte, las noches son frías en Estocolmo.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Good morning, America.
The adventures of the smoke girl ▲: Can you feel the cold in your bones?