Liz Homola:
Liz Homola:
the options and possibilities, are endless when we connect and re-align.
Liz Homola:
a rivalry goes so deep between me and this loss of sleep over you.
Liz Homola:
stuck inside my head, open the door, let me out of my sleepless bed.
Liz Homola:
the midnight rider.
Liz Homola:
so bounce back.
Liz Homola:
hidden inside, a worthless shell of goodbyes.
Liz Homola:
soul keeper.
Liz Homola:
i thought we were in this together, and i still want to, so i still will.
Liz Homola:
past the point of no return.
Liz Homola:
electric mind.
Liz Homola:
a vision i was not expecting.
Liz Homola:
transversal universe.
Liz Homola:
forgiven, forgave put down in the grave.
Liz Homola:
Liz Homola:
sitting on the brink of doom, waiting to be told what to do.
Liz Homola:
smile like you hate everything.
Liz Homola:
lemon peels.
Liz Homola:
this again.
Liz Homola:
the downfall.
Liz Homola:
you're so good at repeating everything you hear.
Liz Homola:
show me your roots.
Liz Homola:
i will dive into everything.
Liz Homola:
i am so haunted by the past and i can feel it on my back and it crosses my every path, leaving my with question, should i turn back?
Liz Homola:
rotten bones.
Liz Homola:
Liz Homola: