Liz Homola: dear god, make me a bird,
Liz Homola: self.
Liz Homola: If i can, I will- If I have will, I can.
Liz Homola: i am connected to you some how.
Liz Homola: .5 cat.
Liz Homola: die die die die all of you will die.
Liz Homola: dead fetus.
Liz Homola: all of my friends are right here.
Liz Homola: downtown, fairfield.
Liz Homola: i am this mush, join me in my sweet bliss i call living.
Liz Homola: grow up and blow away.
Liz Homola: it is what it is, we are what we are.
Liz Homola: silence can be the most deafening sound.
Liz Homola: let the good times roll.
Liz Homola: what would i want? sky.
Liz Homola: i don't, i wont, i'm not, i'd never.
Liz Homola: i am a witness to domestic violence.
Liz Homola: be yourself.
Liz Homola: i believe that lovers should be tied together thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather,
Liz Homola: countless nights and endless hours.
Liz Homola: cats are cats and cats like to sleep.
Liz Homola: first stop.
Liz Homola: everything starts here.
Liz Homola: it's sad how this will never be again.
Liz Homola: high school love.
Liz Homola: dead on arrival.
Liz Homola: 12:08.
Liz Homola: damaged past.
Liz Homola: something near something far.
Liz Homola: mish mush mosh.