starrypix: Tree and winter
starrypix: altay nature
starrypix: Altay horses
starrypix: Altay, Russia
starrypix: Altay
starrypix: Altay region, russia
starrypix: autumn of Leaves
starrypix: beautiful autumn
starrypix: autumn sunset
starrypix: autumn
starrypix: autumn and Dried flowers
starrypix: moon and tree
starrypix: tree and red autumn
starrypix: tree leaves
starrypix: blue flower
starrypix: flower
starrypix: dooden
starrypix: flower
starrypix: Amand Panorama
starrypix: amand
starrypix: Sarvelat region
starrypix: ِِDooden Waterfall
starrypix: moon & tree
starrypix: Rain in solar eclipse day 4/1/2011
starrypix: altay region, siberia, russia
starrypix: Katun river, Altay mountains, Russia
starrypix: starling flock
starrypix: sea...
starrypix: Naz island