starmist1: Welcome to Liberty!
starmist1: Into the Mountains
starmist1: Back the way we came
starmist1: Abandoned Mining equipment
starmist1: Axel and spokes
starmist1: Tired Iron
starmist1: When you need it, it's right here!
starmist1: This hole must be real important!
starmist1: Local amenities
starmist1: This looks well worked over!
starmist1: Don't think you'll find a cold one in that cooler.
starmist1: The 'Wild Cat Dance Hall'
starmist1: Bridge over the creek.
starmist1: Ore car on tracks.
starmist1: Ore Car Detail
starmist1: Ore Car Detail
starmist1: This is an 'arrastra', an ore crushing machine.
starmist1: Secure a steel hook in a heavy rock...
starmist1: Chain the rock to a spoke of this wheel...
starmist1: Throw some ore into its path...
starmist1: Turn on the firehose nozzle...
starmist1: The arrastra turns dragging the rock...
starmist1: over the ore...
starmist1: until it is crushed...
starmist1: Arrastra center post detail showing pivot
starmist1: Then extract the gold!
starmist1: Got to move a lot of rock to find gold.
starmist1: But there is still gold in them thar hills!
starmist1: The big house overlooking town.
starmist1: Good By!