Starlisa: Chamberlain Lake and the Big Train 1
Starlisa: IMG_7953
Starlisa: Hood RIver Fire September 12, 2008
Starlisa: Another Glorious End of Spring day in the Gorge June 18, 2008
Starlisa: Movement through the Gorge...
Starlisa: IMG_2495
Starlisa: Watch Out!!!!!!!!!!
Starlisa: VIew of Washington
Starlisa: Transition to Another World........ Living and Dying
Starlisa: Two Holes are better than One!
Starlisa: Tunnel in, the snow is coming
Starlisa: IMG_3134
Starlisa: Racing the Train to Glory
Starlisa: Train_MtHood_6959-wo
Starlisa: Frosty Morning in Paradise
Starlisa: ChelatchiePraireRR-BYCX-8007-47
Starlisa: HeadlessHorseman-7902
Starlisa: ChelatchiePraireRR-BYCX-8001-45
Starlisa: Morning Train at Dog Creek