Starlisa: Shooting the Falls!
Starlisa: Husum Falls in flood stage
Starlisa: Orchards in Springtime
Starlisa: After the Rains
Starlisa: Beyond the Shadows
Starlisa: Rainbow Road....
Starlisa: The Good Life
Starlisa: Washington Orchards are so pretty!
Starlisa: Red Flowering Current
Starlisa: Oh, I Thought that was a Microphone!
Starlisa: Snow on Fuschia
Starlisa: Cradled in the Arms of Memory
Starlisa: Autumn Twilight
Starlisa: I really like Rainbows!
Starlisa: And the Light came FOrth in Glory!!!!!!
Starlisa: Wildness on a hot summer night... Purple Passion!
Starlisa: WhiteSalmonRiver_Valley-6189
Starlisa: In a land far away......
Starlisa: Foggy Morning...
Starlisa: Tendrils of Fog
Starlisa: The Land Drifts off to its WInter Sleep...
Starlisa: White Salmon RIver
Starlisa: Peaceful moments in time...
Starlisa: The Glass Blowers are cooking up some lovely rainbow color today!
Starlisa: Ummm... anybody know what is next?
Starlisa: Help, you are blinding me!
Starlisa: Mt. Adams is my friend! (vote a fave)
Starlisa: Babies to Feed.... every 2 minutes or so~!
Starlisa: Hmmm, now WHICH turn was I supposed to take?
Starlisa: Another Lenticular Day May 18 (cloud series)