starknurse: Rogue chestnut that just bounced off my car 😜
starknurse: Taking the new HipstaPak to the street...or in this case, the sidewalk by the MSKCC entrance.
starknurse: #Morning glory
starknurse: #Sunset
starknurse: A beautiful day in the neighborhood #empirestatebuilding
starknurse: Saturday night travel: goin' mobile on the R train #subway
starknurse: It's new HipstaPak #Caturday!
starknurse: The best way to celebrate the start of summer #icecream
starknurse: Lovely place #blue our
starknurse: More artistry from #licartsopen
starknurse: Upward mobility: the developing skyline of #LongIslandCity
starknurse: Art is where you find it
starknurse: Weekend travel on the E train #subwaylife
starknurse: Time to get back into the Hipsta-groove #Hipstatones_wepop_lens_Tachman #hipstatones
starknurse: HipstaPrint
starknurse: Waiting for summer
starknurse: Great day to be at the Met
starknurse: I got a present for my new stove--it needed a pop of color. Apparently one cooks in it, too.
starknurse: Holiday #selfie 😂
starknurse: Enjoying the #SalvationArmy band
starknurse: 'Tis the season! #Holly_Days
starknurse: It was a lovely #sunset
starknurse: Apfelstrudel mit schlagg
starknurse: Enjoying the #view #window
starknurse: I do love #Autumn #AnneMarie #MountRoyal
starknurse: I just can't get enough of this place #GrandCentralTerminal #made_in_ny
starknurse: The most beautiful #GeniusBar ever
starknurse: The Glow #shotwithhipstamatic300 #Loftus #Indio
starknurse: Miss BossyPants
starknurse: #Sunset over the City #Hipstamatic #shotwithhipstamatic300