starkdoulos: Sleepy Korynn in Dallas
starkdoulos: Dallas Skylink
starkdoulos: Sleepy Sean in Dallas
starkdoulos: Representin on Election Day
starkdoulos: DFW Airport
starkdoulos: DFW Airport (2)
starkdoulos: Airport lunch. Not recommended.
starkdoulos: Our gate to Cancun. Gate to FUN.
starkdoulos: Plane Korynn
starkdoulos: Aerial Reading
starkdoulos: Up up and again
starkdoulos: Plane Sean with MP3 glasses
starkdoulos: Cancun!
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (2)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (3)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (4)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (5)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (6)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (7)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (8)
starkdoulos: Cancun from the Plane (9)
starkdoulos: We all speak the same language. Beer.
starkdoulos: Buy a Honda. At Playa Honda. jeje
starkdoulos: Xtreme Energym
starkdoulos: Signs of good things to come
starkdoulos: Arrival
starkdoulos: Arrival (2)
starkdoulos: Resort security
starkdoulos: Checking in