starkdoulos: Our espicy host, Naughty Pierre
starkdoulos: Kim Franco and her fabulous vocal chords, ladies and gentleman!
starkdoulos: Naughty Pierre and Kimmy Franco
starkdoulos: Dario Rosa
starkdoulos: Mr. Bass Player Guy
starkdoulos: The Adorable Peggy Tulane!! What's under that potato?
starkdoulos: THIS is what is under that giant potato!
starkdoulos: I never find these inside my potatoes!!
starkdoulos: Naughty Pierre and Kimmy Franco
starkdoulos: The band
starkdoulos: Naughty Pierre and Kimmy Franco
starkdoulos: Korynn and I hiding in the shadows. No flashes allowed!
starkdoulos: The High Flying Tease Aerialist Midnite Martini!!
starkdoulos: An excellent choice of panties for Sean's birthday.
starkdoulos: The Adorable Peggy Tulane
starkdoulos: I love the back of this outfit
starkdoulos: I love the back of this outfit
starkdoulos: Dun dunnn!!
starkdoulos: The Vivacious Fannie Spankings!!