starkdoulos: Dinosaur = Good times
starkdoulos: He might be smiling, or he might be gearing up to eat you.
starkdoulos: Dinosaurs AND VIKINGS?!!! WOO HOO
starkdoulos: I wonder how this ship sailed here
starkdoulos: Kid bridge
starkdoulos: This is where all the fashionable children go.
starkdoulos: Ehm, no
starkdoulos: Santa's seen better days
starkdoulos: As has Ms claus
starkdoulos: Ultimate in creepiness. The children locked me in this room. Alone.
starkdoulos: Christmas came early this year
starkdoulos: DSCF9611 (Large)
starkdoulos: I can't even come up with words for this.
starkdoulos: Ghosts of Weddings past
starkdoulos: She watches you while you sleep
starkdoulos: I dare you spend the night in this bed
starkdoulos: Sew popular
starkdoulos: Yum, got kid pies a-bakin'!
starkdoulos: not quite the way I remembered it, but...
starkdoulos: Translastion: House of Party
starkdoulos: Speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be
starkdoulos: Last supper fiasco
starkdoulos: I like a little romance too
starkdoulos: DSCF9624 (Large)
starkdoulos: Hacienda muy caliente
starkdoulos: Velvet paintings are pimp, yo
starkdoulos: And into the steamy jungles of Africa
starkdoulos: the Lion Sleeps Tonight
starkdoulos: Masky