starjewel: AC after running all day after the compressor failed to kick in
starjewel: AC after running all day after the compressor failed to kick in
starjewel: Typical temp in my apartment when the compressor wouldn't kick on
starjewel: Poor thing was trying to cool my apartment all day, compressor wasn't kicking on
starjewel: Because no one cleans up after the HVAC contractors I guess, I wasn't even home
starjewel: Painters tape is not very energy efficient, no idea why we couldn't use the panels that came with the a/c unit
starjewel: Eyesore but I have a cool area in my apartment
starjewel: Looks like someone spilled soda down the sides of this ac unit. Couldn't wipe it down before installing for a resident?
starjewel: Why couldn't they use this instead of painters tape in the window?
starjewel: Paint bubbling after the HVAC panel keeps sweating
starjewel: Wiped it dry and turned on the fan before I took a pic of the bubbling paint.
starjewel: The crud in the tub is from the ceiling panel, i'm not that messy. Fan to dry the ceiling.
starjewel: i guess this is the thing that was leaking? they opened it up, not me :)