starfive: somehow i'm still here
starfive: closed
starfive: gadget pulling piano through dust
starfive: piano and dust
starfive: hauling a piano through the dust
starfive: cafe teardown
starfive: burningman2007-356.jpg
starfive: burningman2007-357.JPG
starfive: windblown star5
starfive: the reddest sun you can't see
starfive: this is what i look like?
starfive: hmmm?
starfive: sun/wind/dust beaten girl
starfive: fall of the shade
starfive: so many zipties
starfive: shade coming down
starfive: shadeless cafe
starfive: unclaimed bikes
starfive: dpw truck
starfive: cafe village burn barrel
starfive: spermy burn barrel
starfive: commissary flag
starfive: nearing the end
starfive: last of the cafe
starfive: almost dreaded again