Ştardust96: After living in feral 1 & 2 star hotels for the past week on the tour its nice to start our own travel in a nice fancy hotel in Moroco
Ştardust96: After living in feral 1 & 2 star hotels for the past week on the tour its nice to start our own travel in a nice fancy hotel in Moroco
Ştardust96: Waiting for us in our room when we arrived
Ştardust96: Casablanca
Ştardust96: Casablanca
Ştardust96: My guys are still here with some bad backpack hair too. Licca wearing a dress I made. I have made a few already on the trip
Ştardust96: Where in the world am I? Because from this photo I could even be at home
Ştardust96: Chilling in our room in our next hotel. I would show you a pic of the room but we already turned it in to a Chinese laundry mat already as this is the first hotel we have more than 1 night in
Ştardust96: Our hotel in Marrakesh
Ştardust96: Our hotel in Marrakesh
Ştardust96: Hotel has 3 cats
Ştardust96: Hotel also has 1 turtle
Ştardust96: Our hotel in Marrakesh
Ştardust96: Watching the world go by
Ştardust96: So good!
Ştardust96: Our hotel in Marrakesh
Ştardust96: My crazy Egypt drugs
Ştardust96: Today's breakfast
Ştardust96: Now more have joined the party
Ştardust96: There's now more than a dozen at last count. Time to go I think
Ştardust96: First course
Ştardust96: Second course
Ştardust96: Dessert
Ştardust96: Hotel cats love
Ştardust96: Just some goats climbing trees
Ştardust96: Cannons
Ştardust96: Island fort
Ştardust96: Break time
Ştardust96: Dinner