stardiver0: 2012-01-03 17.22.59
stardiver0: Food.
stardiver0: #edugood 1/03 most recent good read.
stardiver0: #edugood 01/04 NOT my favorite shoes! Extras for students who wear inappropriate shoes on lab days.
stardiver0: Lucy and friend. #edugood 01-05
stardiver0: Sky. Oregon. January. (From my kitchen window.) #edugood 1/06
stardiver0: From the old Memorial High School auditorium. I taught there for 9 years. Both my sons graduated from MHS. #edugood 1/07
stardiver0: #edugood 1/8 Not every day, but today.
stardiver0: #edugood 1/09 Hallway
stardiver0: Front of my classroom. #edugood 1/10
stardiver0: #edugood 1/11
stardiver0: #Edugood 1/12 Trees
stardiver0: Jumping in, feet first.13/365 #Edugood 1/13
stardiver0: Site Stats ‹ Science, Education, and Science Education #edugood 1/14 14/365
stardiver0: #Edugood 15/365 1/15 auditirium windows.
stardiver0: #edugood 16/365 1/16 Weather
stardiver0: #edugood 1/17 17/365 Mascot
stardiver0: #edugood 1/18 18/365 Collaboration in AP Chem
stardiver0: #edugood 1/19 19/365 Comfortable.
stardiver0: #edugood 20/365 1/20 Pet/best friend
stardiver0: #edugood 20/365 1/20 Pets (and my dissertation)
stardiver0: #wdugood 1/21 21/365 Learning: the real kind.
stardiver0: #edugood 1/22 22/365 school colors.
stardiver0: #edugood 57/365 Communication @vernierST