Starbuck3733T: "Things are starting to pick up"
Starbuck3733T: "I'm here every day, but only till 4:30. I'll be here till 9 today."
Starbuck3733T: Postal workers Bernard and Michelle collect mail on April 15th, "Tax Day"
Starbuck3733T: Michelle,a Cincinnati postal worker collects forms destined for the IRS on April 15th, "Tax Day"
Starbuck3733T: A postal worker shows off on April 15th, "Tax Day"
Starbuck3733T: Just in case there was any doubt
Starbuck3733T: "Thank you." "No ma'am, thank you!"
Starbuck3733T: "I'm very happy that it's not raining today"
Starbuck3733T: Postal worker J. J. collects mail on April 15th, "Tax Day" at Cincinnati's main post office
Starbuck3733T: Postal workers Lynn and Michelle collect mail on April 15th, "Tax Day" at Cincinnati's main post office
Starbuck3733T: Goodie Grab
Starbuck3733T: Destination: IRS