star_cosmos_bleu: Into the light...../dans la lumière
star_cosmos_bleu: A thousand suns/Milles soleils
star_cosmos_bleu: In the shade/Dans l,ombre
star_cosmos_bleu: Silverback
star_cosmos_bleu: Lionheart
star_cosmos_bleu: the bubble#1/La bulle
star_cosmos_bleu: the bubble #2
star_cosmos_bleu: Barns among the trees/granges parmi les arbres
star_cosmos_bleu: the bike trail(continued)
star_cosmos_bleu: the walking trail
star_cosmos_bleu: the crossing/le pont cyclisme en multicouleure
star_cosmos_bleu: the field road/vue du chemin Pierre Laporte
star_cosmos_bleu: the bike trail/vue de la tour..piste cyclable ..Granby
star_cosmos_bleu: merlin,s touch
star_cosmos_bleu: merlin.s forest/forest de merlin- piste cyclable
star_cosmos_bleu: The Path/Le Sentier
star_cosmos_bleu: Little and Cute/Mignon...centre de la nature_Granby
star_cosmos_bleu: Crazy For Nuts/Amour pour Arachides
star_cosmos_bleu: Stream Noise
star_cosmos_bleu: Sunny Day/Rivière Yamaska- un jour de soleil
star_cosmos_bleu: In The Breeze
star_cosmos_bleu: Take a break/repos#1
star_cosmos_bleu: Take a break/repos#2
star_cosmos_bleu: The Wind/Le Vent #2
star_cosmos_bleu: The Wind /Le Vent #1
star_cosmos_bleu: The Boardwalk/lLe trottoire
star_cosmos_bleu: The nature trail/Le Sentier
star_cosmos_bleu: In The Sun/Dans Le Soleil
star_cosmos_bleu: Yamaska River Downtown/Rivière Yamaska centre ville Granby
star_cosmos_bleu: Cross Over/La Piétonnière