^^^ 星翼^^^: Flag Clouds, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: Mount Everest in distance
^^^ 星翼^^^: The life of Tibetan Pebbles
^^^ 星翼^^^: Mount Everest and the chain of World's highest peaks in distance, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: A small Tibetan Village in the Himalayas
^^^ 星翼^^^: long and winding roads, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: Towards Mount Everest
^^^ 星翼^^^: life as Tibetan farmers
^^^ 星翼^^^: Mountain View, on the way to Mount Everest, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: Mountain View, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: On the road to Mount Everest, Tibet
^^^ 星翼^^^: Mount Everest in distance, Tibet