StanleyBearShen: Snow in Yosemite. I finally got the chance to go to Yosemite right after winter storm, lucky enough, the snow was still falling and it's a white silver world over there. 確定優勝美地下雪後, 決定去那邊走走, 很久沒有機會拍到完全乾淨新鮮的雪, 雖然有點涼, 但是一切都值得了.
StanleyBearShen: Cathedral Peak and Cascade fall in Yosemite. "銀河底下的教堂山和瀑布" 這是個天完全黑之後, 來回走至少兩小時的旅程, 沒有太多的高低起伏, 但是因為從頭到尾都不會遇到人, 也讓旅程變得額外的刺激.
StanleyBearShen: Half dome at Yosemite