stange: sled
stange: toy story
stange: Chris
stange: boots
stange: long walk
stange: baby girl
stange: Tree
stange: A girl and her dog
stange: 4 days old
stange: B&W coat
stange: Kate
stange: 8 months
stange: Kate's view
stange: shoes
stange: B&W Eight
stange: Abandoned
stange: Daddy's home!
stange: Flower girl, take two
stange: Family
stange: Me and my trusty sidekick
stange: shhh, it's a secret
stange: excuse me, but i think there's a monkey in your toilet
stange: bathroom ballerina
stange: yeah, she can't get to the phone right now...
stange: 10 little piggies
stange: sunday morning