standpoodlegirl: Samantha 2 weeks old 2.0 lbs.
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 2 weeks old 2.0 lbs.
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 2 weeks old 2.0 lbs.
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 2 weeks old 2.0 lbs.
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 2 weeks old 2.0 lbs.
standpoodlegirl: MVI_1068
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 3 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 3 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 3 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 3 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3086_edited-1
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3087 copy
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3089 copy
standpoodlegirl: Am I cute?
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 4 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: MVI_1158
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 6 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: 6 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: MVI_1164
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 6 1/2 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 6 1/2 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Samantha 6 1/2 weeks old
standpoodlegirl: Sadie, Samantha, and Gracie
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3229
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3227
standpoodlegirl: IMG_3228
standpoodlegirl: Sadie, Samantha, and Gracie
standpoodlegirl: Sadie, Samantha, and Gracie
standpoodlegirl: Sadie, Samantha, and Gracie
standpoodlegirl: Sadie, Samantha, and Gracie