Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin Thomas and Chandler Helen
Cliff Dwelling:
Cliff Dwelling:
More sleeping
Cliff Dwelling:
baby girl is waking up
Cliff Dwelling:
One week old today
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin Thomas - one week old
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler Helen - one week old
Cliff Dwelling:
Nap time
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler, Malcolm and Gavin
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler, Malcolm and Gavin
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler getting her night time bath
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin getting his night time bath
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler sleeping
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin eating
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler resting
Cliff Dwelling:
Big yawn by Gavin
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler looking at herself in the mirror
Cliff Dwelling:
Afternoon nap
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin Thomas - 6 weeks old
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler Helen - 6 weeks old
Cliff Dwelling:
Chandler in the baby swing
Cliff Dwelling:
Tiny hand...
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin at his 9AM feeding
Cliff Dwelling:
Gavin with a slight cross-eyed look