stancs: Sheffield Sabres await the start of their BUAFL Big North Western Conference game against Derby Braves
stancs: Sheffield Sabres' kick-off team gets ready for action
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - quarter back Jacob Hardy fires off a pass
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - running back Martin Airault evades a block
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Ollie Tobin punts for the Sabres
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - the Sabres defence puts the Braves' quarter back under severe pressure
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Ola Fashoro has a dart
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Naoya Misu gets tackled
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Sabres running back Martin Airault
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Sabres' quarter back Jacob Hardy connects with wide receiver Alex Laird for the match-winning touchdown
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Alex Laird gets on the end of a Jacob Hardy pass to score the match-winning touchdown for Sabres
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Alex Laird leaves the Derby defence in his wake on the way to a touchdown for Sabres
stancs: Alex Laird is all pumped-up as he breaks the plane for the match-winning touchdown against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Alex Laird celebrates his touchdown with Naoya Misu
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - James Sharrock scores the extra point to give Sabres a 10.0 lead
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Ola Fashoro runs the ball
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves
stancs: action from Sheffield Sabres' 10.6 win against Derby Braves - Jacob Hardy passes to James Sharrock (#1)