StanD70: 20121014-DSC_0408.jpg
StanD70: Wassup?
StanD70: Goat Face
StanD70: Tina Still Won't Eat the Ham
StanD70: 20121014-DSC_0427.jpg
StanD70: 20121014-DSC_0436.jpg
StanD70: Fair Ride
StanD70: Choose Your Wares
StanD70: The Crowd
StanD70: Taking Pics
StanD70: Father & Daughter
StanD70: Father & Daughter 2
StanD70: McBride's Bar-B-Q Chicken
StanD70: Putting up with the Camera
StanD70: McBride's Bar-B-Q Ribs & Chicken
StanD70: Prize Winning Pumpkins
StanD70: Winning Produce
StanD70: Working on the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Burger
StanD70: Peppers
StanD70: Donkeys in Pairs
StanD70: Caught Ya Looking
StanD70: Fair Swag
StanD70: Multi-color Explosion
StanD70: Big Bang