stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Suomi Finland 5 M postage poste timbre finlande selo francobolli finlandia postage 5m poste porto franco sellos 邮票 芬兰 почтовая марка Финляндия yóupiào Fēnlán timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke Finnland 5M
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Germany 20pf. Baron Münchhausen timbre allemagne selo sello alemanha francobolli Germany bollo postage 20 pf stamp horse rider
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Trinidad & Tobago 15c timbres Trinité-et-Tobago sellos Trinidad y Tobago 邮票 千里達 марки Тринидад и Тобаго 千里達及托巴哥
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamps Sweden Sverige (Upsaliensis Gustaviana Uppsala ) 1.10 Kr. Briefmarke Schweden frímerki Svíþjóð طوابع السويد timbre Suède スタンプ スウェーデン postimerkkejä Ruotsi แสตมป์ สวีเดน bélyegek Svédország francobolli svezia марки Швеция 邮票 瑞典 postes timbre Su
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Germany 60pf. 'Jan van Werth' 1591-1652 general of cavalry rider horse timbre allemagne selo sello alemanha francobolli Germany bollo postage special issue stamp, commemorative issue, émission commémorative
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful air mail stamp Ecuador sello aero S 4.20 coat of arms flag Canton Quito Provincia de Pichincha selo Equador timbre Équateur 厄瓜多尔 集邮 ма́рка Эквадо́р frimærke frimerke frimärke Ecuador 郵便切手 エクアドル francobollo znaczek pocztowy Ekwador levélbélyeg
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamp France postage 10c Corse timbre Republique Francaise francobolli bollo Francia Briefmarken Frankreich porto Corse 10c フランス 切手 ジャガー selos sello France giaguaro marka mapka 美洲豹 一张邮票 法国 stamp France 10c postage postes timbre Francaise selo sello
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): french stamp France 5 f postage poste timbre Republique Francaise selo francobolli Francia
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great old portuguese stamp Portugal 20 esc. knight (seal of King Dinis) horse Europe 20 Escudos brown-gold postzegel zegels marka Briefmarke Portugal stamp selo Portugal postage แสตมป์ ยุโรป โปรตุเกส timbre sello Portugal francobolli bollo Portogallo 邮票
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp UNO United Nations stamp 55c € 0.55 sello Briefmarke timbre marka selo francobollo Schloss Schönbrunn castle Autriche postage 奥地利 邮票 Австрия почтовая марка Àodìlì yóupiào Avusturya pullar
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): french stamp France 0.05 postage poste timbre Republique Francaise selo francobolli Francia
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): italian stamps Italy 1000 lire francobollo Italia timbre Selo Sello Marka Briefmarken Italien 1000 Lira Lire Castello Poste Italiana Italija markica 义大利 邮票 إيطاليا طوابع italien frimærker Briefmarken Itálie razítka timbre italie Ιταλία γραμματόσημα イタリア ス
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Poland 5 F Polska znaczków pocztowych eagle 邮票 波兰 почтовые марки Польша frimærker frimerker Polen frimärken postzegel zegels Briefmarken Polen postmargid Poola postimerkit Puola timbres-poste Pologne γραμματόσημα Πολωνία डाक टिकटों पोलैंड bélyeg bél
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Austria S 3.00 Schilling Österreich Autriche timbre Briefmarke marka Porto Frankatur Wahrzeichen Wien Vienna Schweizertor Autriche postage 奥地利 邮票 Австрия почтовая марка Àodìlì yóupiào Avusturya pullar
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Poland Polska Poczta timbre Pologne postage selo Polonia sello francobolli почтовая марка Польша pullar Polonya 邮票 波兰 Bōlán Briefmarken Polen
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Suomi Finland 0.60 M posatge blue poste timbre finlande selo francobolli finlandia porto franco sellos "armorial bearings" hatchments 邮票 芬兰 почтовая марка Финляндия yóupiào Fēnlán
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Helvetia 50 r. Switzerland Basel/Basle Spalentor Gate of Spalen castle fortress timbres Suisse Swiss franco Schweiz Briefmarke porto francobolli Svizzera bollo selos suiza 邮票瑞士 yóupiào Ruìshì марка Швейцария
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful vintage stamp Bavaria Bayern 3pf. armorial bearings hatchments 3 Pf (Pfennig) Briefmarke Alt Deutschland timbre vieux alto Allemagne old Germany stamps alto Alemanha selos Allemania sello francobolli Germany postage 3 pf. old stamp with coat of
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp selo Portugal 10 Esc. postage แสตมป์ ยุโรป โปรตุเกส timbre sello Portugal francobolli bollo Portogallo 邮票 葡萄牙 ма́рка Португалия γραμματόσημα Πορτογαλία الطوابع البريدية البرتغال डाक टिकटों पुर्तगाल 切手 ポルトガル znaczków pocztowych znaczki Portugalia
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamp Austria 7.50 S Salzburg (Hohensalzburg Castle, Forteresse d'Hohensalzburg, Festung Hohensalzburg) postzegel timbres Autriche Österreich Briefmarke pink postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया franco
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful old stamp Suomi 12 M Finland postage poste timbre finlande selo francobolli finlandia markkaa
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Ceskoslovensko 4 kcs kr. 1945-1985 postage 4 kcs cech razítka Československo sellos franco bollo selo francobolli timbres porto stamps Ceskoslovensko
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): *the new old flag* great stamp New Zealand 8c (flag, Flagge, Wappen, Fahne, amorial bearings) 邮票 新西兰 selyo Niyusiland 切手 ニュージーランド perangko Selandia Baru francobolli Nuova Zelanda डाक टिकटों न्यूज़ीलैंड timbres-poste nouvelle-zélande марки Новая Зеландия
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Austria 7.00 S postzegel castle green francobolli selos bollo timbres Autriche Österreich Briefmarke 7.00 S Kärnten Burg Falkenstein grün green 7 Schilling postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिय
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Austria 1.30 S (Schattenburg Feldkirch castle castillo castello chateau fort замок) timbres Autriche Österreich Briefmarke postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria スタンプ オーストリア
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Latvija 15 S Kuldiga armorial bearings hatchments shield postage timbre Lettonie selo francobollo Lettonia Letonya Марки Briefmarke Lettland 15
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): stamp Nippon Japan timbre Japon postage QSL Bureau Box 377 Tokyo selo Japón sello francobolli Giappone почтовая марка Япония pullar Japonya 邮票 倭国 Wōguó Briefmarken Japan Nippon
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): postes timbres Autriche 5.00 postage stamp Austria 5 Schilling postzegel purple Ruine Aggstein Niederösterreich Lower Austria selo franco bollo Austria postzegel Oostenrijk اتریش تمبر bélyegek Ausztria طوابع النمسا znaczki Austria
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Italia 700 lire (Castello di Ivrea, near Turino, Piemont, castle of Ivrea, 14th century, Burg, château fort, castillo, кре́пость, castelo, zamek) postzegel Italy bollo francobolli porto Briefmarke Italien timbre Italy sellos Italiana selo
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Algerie Oran 1 F Briefmarke armorial bearings hatchments french regionalstamp timbre postes postage 1F Franc Algerie Algerien Republique Francaise France (chicken / rooster, boat, moon, castle)