stagelit: Snow Boston- clear blue skies
stagelit: sunrise with ship
stagelit: so many hats!
stagelit: Some snow prints
stagelit: snowy newspapers
stagelit: art behind bars
stagelit: construction and art pieces shop
stagelit: Roxbury in the snow
stagelit: Snowy me!
stagelit: devil kitty hat!
stagelit: Roast Chicken, carrots, ptoatoes, brussel sprouts, with stuffing
stagelit: Guys with Yarn- Thanks Jessie!
stagelit: cups
stagelit: lots of cups
stagelit: NYC 12-14-08
stagelit: Winter Me
stagelit: Winter Me
stagelit: Woah!
stagelit: first snow
stagelit: it snowed!
stagelit: Lindsey in camaflogue at H+M
stagelit: yarny starbucks
stagelit: bridge panel?
stagelit: Austrian
stagelit: Austiran sweater from the Olympics
stagelit: shadows of the stairs
stagelit: Kind of creepy still life
stagelit: snowy salem
stagelit: snowy city
stagelit: jinglebells for the dump